Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Random Acts of Music

Introducing ... The Random Acts of Music Project ...

Over the next several weeks, I will be randomly distributing 100 CDs across the nation (and hopefully the world).  Completely free and completely random. This is my way of spreading my music to those who may not know me, and a gift to the world because I believe the power of music is a driving force for humanity.

I think that most musicians would love to give away all their music for free, for arts sake, and for the joy of creating.  Alas, all those pesky bills and obligations tend to get in the way.  There are lots of times that this becomes a bit of a moral dilemma for me.  I am a full-time career musician.  I play music for money.  I play music to feed my family and to make a living.  I teach music to kids and adults alike.  I play solo shows, band shows, wedding gigs, party gigs, host open mics, sell CDs, etc.  But every single dollar that I make comes from music.  And I'm very proud of that fact.  I don't have to go to an office, I am my own boss, I work my ass off, and I get 'er done.  I'm living the dream and I'm pretty damn good at it.

However, the inner dichotomy comes into play when I start obsessing about the fact that the real reason I fell in love with music to begin with was to move people.  Music is a tremendous spiritual force across the boards, in all cultures and all walks of life.  Music reaches a place in people's souls that is nameless, timeless and ultimately sublime.  Music is an essential part of the human experience.  It comforts us when we are sad, it rejoices with our accomplishments, it encourages us to go further when we feel weak.  There are very few moments in our lives that could not be defined with a song, a note, a rhythm or chorus.  There is no dollar figure that can be placed on the value of music in our lives.

Still, any musician who has made an album knows full well that it is probably an underwater investment right from the start.  Recording, producing, mixing, mastering, artwork, and reproduction takes thousands of dollars in time and cash to accomplish.  The return on this investment is usually minimal, especially in the current age of free music for all, itunes cuts and streaming content.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against any of this.  I realize that its just the way of the life nowadays.  I'm just saying that it can sometimes make it hard for us to continue to do what we love and still survive.  We simply can't give all of our CDs away for free.  And yet, so many of us musicians dive head first into the deep end for love, for passion and to spread something that we truly believe in. We do it because we simply would not feel complete if we didn't.  

It is with all that in mind that I am launching The Random Acts of Music Project.  Over the next several weeks I will randomly distribute 100 CDs with a special label attached.  "This is a Random Act of Music.  Take Me."  I'll give them away on the street, place them in parks and public places, and send them to accomplice friends across the globe to randomly spread music to the world.

I'm not sure exactly how this is all going to work out or what will become of it.  I do know that if you find a Random Act of Music I would love to hear from you.  I want to know where you found it and what you thoughts are.  I hope to hear from all 100 people who found a CD.  Maybe if this whole thing is successful then I can do another 100, or 200 or 500.  Maybe I'll inspire other musicians to start their own campaign.  Maybe Random Acts of Music will become a "thing" ... maybe it won't.  This is all just an experiment and I'll keep everyone updated on how it goes on this blog.  

If you believe that this project is an assest to to the community and you want to support it, or if you feel that this is something neat and you want to see it happen again, or if my music has touched your life and you want to put a price tag on it, please consider donating any amount you choose through the link provided below.  No pressure.  No obligation.  Its a pay-what-you-will-kickstarter campaign in reverse.  Instead of putting your money out first and hoping that the artist will provide a product that you enjoy, you get to hear the music first and decide what it is worth to you.  As much as I would love to give away a 1000 CDs, I simply don't have the resources to make that happen alone.  But maybe I can do it with your help.  Only time will tell. 


heroes of indie music review

Thanks to heroes of indie music for the kind words!

“The Secret in the Garden” by Griz is heavy on excellent musicianship and a soulful Philly pedigree that is a delight to listen and chill to. The musician of Mr. Griz is spotlighted in his new album. The ease in playing the acoustic and electric guitar, mandolin and piano is a joy to listen to and receive. Listen or download the mp3 files and go to the homepage (see below) and audition the complete release. David Bowie did a live album in the 70′s and changed his chameleon colors in Philly—hey, it was not half bad—but today you can discover the real deal here and now!

Griz (Mr. Griz to you sucka!) is a Philly based artist who has been involved with many of Philadelphia’s top indie artists (Hezekiah Jones, Philly Folk Parade, Spinning Leaves, etc.) and has just released his own album “The Secret in the Garden” this past summer.  Its received airplay on 88.5 XPN (the award winning non-commerical station out of University of Pennsylvania) and he’s working on spreading the word beyond his local region.  The music is available on on major distribution outlets including CDBaby, itunes, amazon, etc.